In the spirit of Women’s Day, The entire students and Staffs of mission high schools show their gratitude and celebrate with its director for uniting them through education.

MHS School celebrate International Women's Day (IWD) to commemorate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, as well as to advocate for gender equality and women's rights. Here are some reasons why Nigerian women celebrate International Women's Day:
Overall, MHS Schools celebrate International Women's Day as a time to reflect on past achievements, acknowledge ongoing challenges, and recommit themselves to the pursuit of gender equality, justice, and empowerment for all women and girls in Nigeria and beyond. Here are some reasons why the world celebrate International Women's Day:

Recognition of Achievements: International Women's Day provides an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Nigerian women in various fields, including politics, business, education, science, arts, and activism. It is a day to honor the progress made by women and to recognize their resilience, leadership, and accomplishments.

Advocacy for Gender Equality: Nigerian women use International Women's Day as a platform to advocate for gender equality and women's rights. They raise awareness about issues such as gender-based discrimination, violence against women, unequal access to education and healthcare, and limited representation in decision-making positions.

Solidarity and Unity: International Women's Day serves as a day of solidarity and unity among Nigerian women, bringing together women from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and communities to support each other's struggles and aspirations. It is a time to amplify women's voices, share experiences, and build networks of solidarity.

Empowerment and Inspiration: International Women's Day inspires Nigerian women to embrace their power, agency, and potential to create positive change in their lives and communities. It encourages women to challenge stereotypes, break barriers, and pursue their aspirations with confidence and determination.

Call for Action: Nigerian women use International Women's Day to call for concrete actions and policies that promote gender equality, empower women, and address the systemic barriers and inequalities that limit women's opportunities and rights. It is a day to demand accountability from governments, institutions, and society at large.

Cultural and Social Celebrations: In Nigeria, International Women's Day is often celebrated with cultural events, rallies, marches, conferences, workshops, art exhibitions, and performances that showcase women's talents, creativity, and cultural heritage. It is a festive occasion to celebrate womanhood and diversity.